Wednesday, October 29, 2014

DRUDGE REPORT® Ebola Headlines Monday, October 29, 2014 at 7:44 PM -- NYPD Says Doctor Lied About Travels

Ebola Headlines retrieved from DRUDGE REPORT® run by news aggregator Matt Drudge ...

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Dr Craig Spencer's story fell apart after investigators checked his credit-card statement and information from his transit Metrocard […]

Dr Craig Spencer initially told officers that he had isolated himself in his Harlem apartment after returning from Guinea where he had been treating people for the illness; he confessed when NYPD confronted him by phone with the Metrocard evidence […]

Friday, October 17, 2014

Obama Appoints Ebola 'Czar' Ron Klain

President Barack Obama has appointed an Ebola coordinator to manage the U.S. response to the outbreak as anxiety over the country's three Ebola cases and the risk they pose to the public intensifies.

President Barack Obama will appoint Ron Klain his "Ebola czar." Klain is highly regarded at the White House as a good manager, but has no medical or health administration experience.

The appointment comes as the epidemic worsens in West Africa, but no new cases have been reported for more than 24 hours.

DRUDGE REPORT® Ebola Headlines Friday, October 17, 2014 at 5:04 PM

Ebola Headlines retrieved from DRUDGE REPORT® run by news aggregator Matt Drudge ...

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ebola Battle Through a Nurse's Eyes with Wearable Camera at JFK Ebola Treatment Unit, Liberia

CNN's Nima Elbagir reports on the desperate effort to save Ebola patients from the viewpoint of those taking care of them; interview with Dr. Soka Moses. 

A nurse wears a camera at a government treatment facility -- JFK Ebola Treatment Unit in Liberia.

The JFK Ebola treatment unit has a capacity of 35 but in September 2014 there were 75 patients -- some lying on the floor.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


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