Wednesday, October 15, 2014

DRUDGE REPORT® Ebola Headlines Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 10:26 PM

Ebola Headlines retrieved from DRUDGE REPORT® run by news aggregator Matt Drudge ...

  1. CONFUSION: CDC: You Can Give -- But Can't Get -- Ebola on Bus...
  2. RAND PAUL: Obama Downplaying Outbreak Threat...
  3. Caribbean island bans visitors from West African nations...
  4. Hospital's workers learned how to control Ebola as they went along...
  5. No HAZMAT suits for 2 days while treating patient...
  6. Blood, vomit and diarrhea-soaked materials piled to ceiling...
  7. MEMO: Troops assisting in Ebola mission may be quarantined...
  8. Riots Hit Sierra Leone...

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Key words and phrases associated with this current event:

abundance of caution, contact tracing